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China Animation Company

裸眼3d广告制作全流程网络完成,全国接单,咨询电话:北京 18611169826 成都:18081085634 18611169826

The real estate Animation takes the 3D technology into application in the architecture field. The real estate Animations in early days were only the simple real estate Animations made by using the camera due to the technological constraint of 3D technology and monotony of the originality and production. Nowadays, as the development and 3D technology and the multiple creating methods, the comprehensive level of the real estate Animation becomes higher than before on the aspects of script creation, excellent model making, the post-editing method of film as well as original music sound effect and affection representation. The cost of the real estate Animation is cheaper than before. The company applies itself to the real estate Animation: real estate cruise Animation|district view Animation |building cruise Animation|3D virtual sample house|building 3D Animation publicity film |real estate project bidding Animation| architectural concept Animation |real estate electronic building planning|real estate virtual reality and so on.
All rights reserved:Beijing Digital Light Magic Technology Co.,Ltd.
3D Animation 3d displaying reports tender film Construction real estate advertising Industry 3D Design Promo Feature films Virtual Reality Set filming animation production as one integrated visual performance of the company